embodied active imagination + relationship energetics
'Jane can still a racing mind in one session' UK Vogue
What the thinking. mind thinks the proving mind goes out to prove. Good mental health is as simple as that. However we are comprised of many disparate parts of ourselves all with their own agenda - some love, some hate, some are in shadow and unexpressed in our lives. Through a unique process of the Psychology of the Selves and Voice/body dialogue we can expand ourselves and hold a greater healthier dynamic in our worlds. As Featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Telegraph, The Times, HTSI
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Fear and anxiety lives on the front of our body and has us lean forward, grip with our muscles and harden our eyes. Healing depends on listening with the inner ear - stopping the incessant chatter. Fear keeps us chattering - fear that wells up from the past, fear of blurting out what we really fear, fear of future repercussions. It is our very fear of the future that distorts the now that could lead to a different future if we dared to be whole in the present.
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Psychological Astrology
connecting to your soul's path
The universe is a single living inter-connected organism, animated by divine order and intelligence. Impressions are buried deep in us all yet can direct our lives in a way that at times is no longer healthy or useful to us and stops us finding the deeper wisdom within us. What a chart can reveal are the types of encounters, feelings, reactions, events etc that the client is likely to experience, what their next step could be or what inner changes may be needed Jane uses astrological charts to help clients understand what is deep in their unconscious and karmic roots. This gives reassurance and empowerment. Our free will and freedom to change our reactions to any given set of circumstances is always available.
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3D living
or a life at the 5D level
When we aren't conscious of our habits and patterns we tend to live our lives on autopilot, attracting in things, relationships, etc at the level we are consciously at, or believe we are entitled to.
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creativity + design
Part of Jane's work with her clients is to reconnect them back to their creative selves as creativity is a key to the door of wholeness She walks her talk. Originally qualifying with a 1st Class degree in fashion and printed fabrics, Jane had her own fashion and home products company in India (where she initially found yoga). When Jane is not working with clients, she designs and develops high vibrational projects involving, full design of homes and centres and accessories such as mosaic panels, murals. Jane sells her work via private collectors commissions and via Phillips Contemporary Furniture sales room. She has exhibited at 100% Design showing mosaics, table tops, printed screens, floorcloths and bespoke furniture, card designs. - Navos de Los Corchos, Cordoba Spain, luxury retreat centre - Triyoga - Creative Director in the development and design of the London triyoga studios - Ishy yoga shala in Notting Hill with a unique magic carpet of rose quartz crystals and infrared ceiling panels, later developed for triyoga studios. The Ishy Shala was nominated the prettiest + most magical studio in London in 2018 by Harpers Bazaar and Vogue and 'A game changer' by The Times Fashion Editor.
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